Policies and Procedures for Using the Facilities of New Covenant United Methodist Church, Sunnyvale, TX
New policy guidelines and fees as listed in this document supersede previous event policies and agreements. Please contact the Trustees with any questions or for clarification.
The policy of our church shall be to use the total church facilities to the best advantage of the church in carrying out the purpose and spirit of this local church and the United Methodist Church. Use of the church facilities should be restricted to those events that are consistent with Christian living and the total program of the church. Our building facilities are tools aiding us in mission and ministry.
Church Activities: Meeting or planned activities of the church or church-sponsored group, i.e., Sunday School class meetings, NCUMC Committee meetings, NCUMC choir rehearsals, UMY activities, etc.
Black-Out Dates: Due to the numerous Church events scheduled during certain liturgical seasons (Lent, Easter, Advent, Christmas), these dates may be “blacked out” or unavailable for other than Church Activities.
General Requirements – All Users (Church Activities are not included)
Trustees must pre-approve all modifications to all building systems including electrical, water, HVAC and communications equipment.
Materials of a hazardous nature cannot be stored inside the Church building at any time.
No animals with the exception of service animals are allowed in the building.
Other than coffeepots, all indoor cooking must be done in the Church kitchen.
All outdoor cooking must comply with local fire department regulations, including distances from buildings and structures. Pre-approval by the Trustees is required.
Trustees are to be advised in writing of any building or grounds conditions that need attention.
No alcoholic beverages are to be on the premises. Smoking is restricted to outside of the buildings and discouraged in general. All butts or other evidence of tobacco use is to be removed immediately. Firearms are not permitted on Church property (to including buildings and parking area).
Individuals with Church keys are responsible for re-locking all doors they unlock.
The Trustees have the right to modify or waive any and/or all of these policies and procedures on a case-by-case basis.
All ongoing regular usage must submit a new annual request before meeting in January.
Use for Weddings or Funerals:
Separate Wedding and Funeral Usage policies are under development.
Use for Child Related Activities:
NCUMC maintains all Ministry Safe policies as mandated by the North Texas Conference of the UMC (2012). By vote of the Annual Conference, the Church nor its Trustees are able to make exceptions to these policies. Failure to adhere to these policies will result in immediate revoking of all Church property access.
Ministry Safe requires that all adults attending child (minor, under 18 years of age) related functions have passed a criminal background check and either Ministry Safe Training or an approved equivalent. All background checks and training must be renewed every 2 years. This includes participating parents and church. The Church will provide this service for up to a $25 fee per person. Fees will reflect costs to the Church only.
Ministry Safe requires that all minors attending functions for minors more than 5 years younger than themselves must complete an approved Ministry Safe Equivalent Training. Training must be renewed every 2 years.
Proof of all criminal background checks and Ministry Safe Equivalent Training must be submitted to the Senior Pastor.
All Church doors will remain locked during functions and/or events serving children.
Ministry Safe requires that there always be at least 2 unrelated adults present (in sight) for all activities involving minors.
Any adult or older minor (by 5 years) present without Ministry Safe approval (as a visitor or while dropping off/picking up children) must be accompanied in a deliberate and intentional manner by an approved adult (this is the sole job of the approved adult during this time) at a ratio of no more than 1 approved adult to 2 non-approved persons.
When events, such as awards presentations, with family participation of adults and older minors who have not been approved through Ministry Safe, all unapproved persons must remain in an open and approved area for the event at all times.
No younger children or siblings of volunteers and participants are permitted unless approved by Trustees. No such approval will be given until a group demonstrates adequate management of ‘registered’ participants and provides procedures for the supervision of non-registered children/siblings. No approval will be given for groups whose group liability insurance specifically excludes non-registered participants.
Any reported incident of abuse occurring on the church property (or in the context of the group for those chartered by the church), will be reported immediately to Child Protective Services and/or local police. The Senior Pastor (and the appropriate Council for Scouting groups) must be notified within 24 hours of any report with all details. The Senior Pastor will report to the assigned Bishop. Any statements released will come from Council or the Office of the Bishop.
Usage by Members:
Regular events in the congregation take precedence over all other activities. Black-Out Dates may be observed during busy liturgical seasons.
Church events are scheduled at the All Church Planning Meeting or through the Church offices and placed on the Church Calendar.
Classes, committees, and other groups of church members may use the building and equipment (except for sound and audio-visual) for planned Church activities at no charge.
Groups using the building are responsible for setting up tables and chairs as well as removing them after the event.
Any Church group or member desiring to used Church equipment, such as tables and chairs, for a Church function or program outside the Church building must submit a request and have prior approval from the Trustees. All items must be returned immediately after usage. A designated Trustee will be assigned for notification of the return.
Sound and audio-visual equipment are to be used in the Church facility only, and must be reserved in advance. A member trained in usage must operate equipment at a fee of $25 per hour to be paid to the trained operator. This individual may choose to wave the fee.
Kitchen items can only be used in the Church facilities.
Any group or individual wishing to make changes to the existing Church facilities, such as painting rooms, installing additional lighting, installing window treatments, putting nameplates on doors, etc., must obtain prior approval from the Trustees. Individuals must obtain approval from the Pastor or Trustees prior to exhibiting posters or other literature in the Church building.
Church members have a mutual responsibility to keep the Church facilities attractive and clean. All groups using the facilities, especially the kitchen area, must leave the area they use in better condition than they found it. Each group is responsible for removing their own garbage.
Sanctuary use must be approved by both Trustees and the Pastor and will reflect the limitations set out in the current UMC Book of Discipline.
Usage by Non-Members:
Trustees must approve all usage by non-members prior to the event being placed on the Church calendar. Usage approval for an event or a regularly scheduled event does NOT presume approval for any other use (date or time). ALL usage is approved on a case-by-case basis.
Use of the Church facilities by non-Church groups (outside groups/outside users) is limited to non-profit groups/organizations. Usage by these groups must be consistent with the goals and missions of the Church and must comply with Church usage and safety policies. A minimum of 60 days prior notification is required for usage consideration.
All Church usage by non-members requires a responsible party who is a Church member designated on the application form. Applications for building usage that do not have a responsible Church member designated will not be approved.
The following building usage fees have been established for each outside group using the facilities:
Deposit$50 to $100 refundable after inspection
Sound or Audio-Visual$50 per hour with a 2 hour minimum
Class Room 1, 7, or 12$25 per ½ day (4 hours of use)
Class Room 3 or 10$35 per ½ day (4 hours of use)
Class Room 9$50 per ½ day (4 hours of use)
Class Room 5$100 per ½ day (4 hours of use)
Nursery 6$25 per ½ day (4 hours of use) not to exceed 5 children
Nursery 2$5 per child for each ½ day (4 hours of use) with a $50 minimum
Kitchen$50 per day
Playground$50 per day
Sanctuary For weddings, funerals and memorial services, see those policies.
For all others, fees are established on a case-by-case basis with a $250 minimum and requires a $200 deposit.
These usage fees DO NOT include custodial services. Persons or groups using the facilities have full responsibility for setting up and taking down tables/chairs and clean up afterwards. The area must be left in better condition than before usage. Each group is responsible for removing their own trash.
If custodial services are desired, or required due to lack of adequate cleanup, the using group will be charged a custodial fee of a minimum of $75 and will reflect the cost to the Church. This includes all areas of use (rooms approved, walk-through areas, bathrooms, etc.) Failure to abide by this requirement will preclude the further usage of the facility by the offending group.
All payments are due 15 days in advance of building use. Checks are payable to New Covenant United Methodist Church.
An Application for Use of Facilities must be completed for all requests to use the Church facilities for non-Church program activities. The Pastor and Trustees will review all applications.
All requests are subject to space availability. church programs/activities take precedence in the event of a scheduling conflict. The Pastor/Trustees Chairperson will designate areas where groups meet.
All outside users must meet with the Trustees or their designated representative to discuss the policies and procedures to be followed. The Trustees will hold follow-up meetings as deemed necessary.
To the fullest extent permitted by law, approved groups and participants shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless New Covenant United Methodist Church, its trustees, employees, agents, volunteers and assigns from and against all claims arising out of or resulting from the use of NCUMC facilities and premises. “Claim” is from any financial loss, claim, suit action, damage, or expense, including but not limited to personal property damage or expense, including but not limited to personal property damage including loss of use, bodily injury, sickness, disease, death, and all attorney’s fees. Upon request of NCUMC, signed hold harmless agreements will be provided within 15 days of request from Pastor or Trustees.
A standard Certificate of Insurance for General Liability, with limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence must be presented to the Pastor or Trustees within 10 days of first meeting or event on the church property.
Outside users must supply all equipment and/or supplies necessary for their meetings. Use of Church owned sound and/or audio-visual equipment, coffee pots, Church supplies, etc. is prohibited.
Outside users must clearly indicate their request for kitchen usage on the application form. Use of the kitchen is limited. Outside users must receive instructions on the use of kitchen equipment.
Any group or individual wishing to make changes to the existing Church facilities, such as painting rooms, installing additional lighting, installing window treatments, putting nameplates on doors, etc., must obtain prior approval from the Trustees. Individuals must obtain approval from the Pastor or Trustees prior to exhibiting posters or other literature in the Church building. If approved, all supplies, materials and labor will be provided by the group.
The Pastor or Trustees must pre-approve outside groups using storage space within the Church building. Before permission is granted, outside users must state exactly what will be stored, frequency and type of access needed to stored items, and duration of storage. If storage area must be locked, the Church Office MUST be provided with a key in order to meet fire code regulations.
Outside groups using the facilities are liable for any and all damages. Each and every event or change in customary and expected usage requires separate approval from Trustees.
Approved by the Board of Trustees 7/22/2018